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Smart ways for young adults to save money and build wealth



Financial independence is a goal that most young adults strive to achieve. Whether it’s to pay off debt, buy a car, buy a house, have children, or simply save for a more comfortable future, personal financial planning and money management are critical skills that young adults need to develop. With job prospects and salary expectations ever-evolving, it’s important for young adults to understand how to manage their money in order to save for the future.

While budgeting and saving can be challenging, it’s essential for building a solid foundation of financial stability as a young adult. Thankfully, there are a few straightforward ways to save money and build wealth as a young adult. Here are a few of them:

Set a Budget

One of the first steps in money management is setting a budget. This will help young adults understand where their money is going and how much they can allocate to saving. A budget should reflect how your income and expenses will be allocated, and should be regularly updated to ensure accuracy. Creating a budget is an important part of money management, as it will help young adults make sure they’re not overspending.

Pay Yourself First

Once a budget is set, it’s important for young adults to make sure they’re paying themselves first. This means setting aside money from each paycheck for savings. Doing this over a long period of time can help young adults build up a healthy savings account which can then be used for larger expenses or investments.

Automate Your Savings

Automating your savings can also be a great way to save money. By linking your checking account to a savings account, you can ensure that a certain percentage of each paycheck is sent directly to your savings account. This can be a great way to “set it and forget it” when it comes to saving.

Take Advantage of Employer Match

Many employers offer a 401(k) savings program, usually with a company match. This is a great way to save money as the company match means that you’ll be putting away additional funds that wouldn’t otherwise be there. By putting away even a small percentage of each paycheck, young adults can build their nest egg quickly.

Start Investing

Investing is another great option for young adults looking to build wealth. Investing can be done in a number of ways, from stocks and bonds to real estate and mutual funds. Investing can be a great way to build wealth, but it’s important to understand the potential risks before investing. It’s also important for young adults to take the time to understand how investing works and what strategies may be best for their particular financial goals.

Utilize a Robo-Advisor

Robo-advisors are a great tool for young adults who are looking to invest but don’t have the time or knowledge to do so. Robo-advisors are automated investing services that manage an individual’s investments. They save time, as they eliminate the need to research and manage investments manually. It’s important to understand the fees that can come with utilizing a robo-advisor, but they can be a great tool for young adults looking to invest without taking on too much risk.

Make Use of Tax-Advantaged Accounts

Understanding tax laws is an important part of money management for young adults. Tax-advantaged accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s can help young adults save more money by reducing their taxable income. With these accounts, contributions are tax-deductible, thereby reducing the amount of money owed to the government.

Utilize Bonuses and Windfalls

Finally, young adults should make sure to take advantage of bonuses and windfalls. Bonuses from employers, or additional income from a side hustle can be a great way to build wealth quickly. Bonuses can be especially helpful for young adults who are already living on a budget, as they can be used to bolster savings and build wealth faster.


Managing money and building wealth as a young adult can be a challenging task. But by taking the time to understand how to save money, make smart investments, and utilize tax-advantaged accounts, young adults can put themselves on the path to financial freedom. With some financial planning and discipline, young adults can ensure that they’re making the most of their money and building a secure future.