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"The Benefits of Group Fitness Classes: Why You Should Try Them"



Group fitness classes have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. People of all fitness levels can come together to enjoy a fun, group workout and take advantage of the increased motivation and camaraderie that comes with exercising in a group setting.

But there are also additional benefits of participating in group fitness classes that may not be so obvious. Whether you’re looking to increase your physical fitness, social life, or develop a more consistent lifestyle, these classes can provide the push you’ve been needing.

Read on to learn more about the many benefits of group fitness classes and how you can get started.

What’s Group Fitness?

Group fitness, often referred to as ‘group exercise’, is any type of physical activity conducted in a group setting. Common examples include boot camp classes, cycling classes, aerobic classes, dance classes, and many more.

Typically, a personal trainer or instructor will lead the class, providing motivation and guidance for the participants. Group classes are also often designed to suit different fitness levels, so everyone can get involved and benefit in their own way.

Most gyms and recreation centers offer group classes which can be signed up for on a per-class or an ongoing weekly or monthly basis.

The Benefits of Group Fitness Classes

Group fitness classes aren’t just a fun way to work out. They provide unique benefits you may not get from working out on your own – such as increased motivation, accountability, and value for money.

Increased Motivation

The best part about working out with other people is the added motivation. It can be intimidating to get into shape on your own, but when you’re in a group fitness class, it’s much easier to keep going and push yourself to the next level.

Studies suggest that the energy created in a group fitness setting can lead to better performance. This means that you’re more likely to finish a class, even if you’re feeling exhausted. That’s because pushing yourself past your limits in a class can help you to achieve goals you never thought were possible.

Improved Accountability

A major motivation for staying consistent with a fitness program is accountability. When you have to show up to classes on time and take part, you are far more likely to make fitness a priority. This can be especially beneficial for people who lack the self-discipline to stick to a fitness plan on their own.

Group fitness classes make it easy to stay accountable to your goals because you’re surrounded by others who are trying to accomplish the same thing. Additionally, there’s often someone leading the class who can help you stay on track and ensure that you’re doing the right moves to get the best results.

Great Value for Money

One of the biggest benefits to group fitness classes is their cost-effective nature. A single session may cost less than the gym membership, and may take less time. Plus, many classes are sold in bundles, so you can get access to an entire month of classes for just a fraction of the cost of a full gym membership.

Having access to multiple classes each week is extremely beneficial for getting results quickly and sticking to a consistent routine. You can choose different exercises and classes for each day, avoiding the monotony of doing the same workout over and over again. Plus, with the added motivation from other participants, you’re likely to work harder and obtain better results.

Finding the Class That’s Right for You

Group fitness classes come in many shapes, sizes, and types. It’s important to find a class that is right for your needs, level of fitness, and goals. To do this, consider the following:

Intensity Level

If you’re a beginner, you should look for a class with a low to moderate intensity. This will give you the chance to learn new exercises and build up your fitness, strength, and stamina before moving on to more intense classes.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for more of a challenge, search for higher-intensity classes that will push you and help you to reach new goals.


You’ll also want to assess the type of focus of the class. Are you looking for a fast-paced cardio workout? A strength and conditioning session? A session focused on dance movements?

Most group fitness classes have a particular focus. Some may even incorporate principles from different disciplines, so you can work on multiple elements of fitness at once. Have a look at a few class descriptions and pick the one that best suits your needs.


When searching for a class, check to see if there are special classes for people with disabilities. This ensures that everyone has the opportunity to get involved and achieve results. It’s also important to look for classes that are located close to where you live and offer convenient times.

Wrapping Up

Group fitness classes are a great way to get the most out of your workout routine. They offer many benefits such as increased motivation, improved accountability, and fantastic value for money. Plus, there’s something for everyone, so you can find classes that suit your fitness level, needs, and goals.

With all these advantages, there’s no reason not to give group fitness classes a try. So get out there, join a class, and have fun!