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The Benefits of Meal Planning and Grocery Budgeting: Saving Money and Eating Well



Most of us have heard the advice that we should be saving money on our food budget. That can sound daunting, though - especially as the cost of groceries steadily rises. How can you possibly save money and still eat well? Fortunately, it can be done – and it doesn’t require overly stringent rationing on food purchases. Meal planning and grocery budgeting can be your key to success when it comes to saving money and staying properly fed.

What Is Meal Planning?

Meal planning involves pre-planning meals for the week and then shopping for groceries accordingly. This way, you don't buy more than you need. When you plan ahead, it is also much easier to plan meals around leftovers and existing ingredients, which also saves you money.

Advantages of Meal Planning

  • You can save time: Meal planning allows you to prepare ahead of time, so that you have one less thing to worry about during the week. You can write out your menu, decide which items to purchase, and head to the store with a plan. This means that you don't have to continuously figure out what to have for dinner every night.

  • You can save money: Meal planning allows you to buy only what you need, rather than buying large amounts of food to just waste or throw away. You will know what ingredients you need to buy at the grocery store and can plan for when certain leftovers will be used. This can help you save money on grocery trips – and on any takeout or restaurant food you’d normally feel the need to purchase.

  • You can be healthier: Plan ahead and you’ll be less likely to buy unhealthy foods when you're in a rush. Not only that, but meal planning allows you to easily plan meals that follow a certain diet, such as a vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free diet.

How to Get Started With Meal Planning

  • Decide on a system: It is important to figure out a system that works for you in order to make meal planning easier. Some people like to keep a binder of recipes, or keep a list of recipes they want to make in a Google Doc. You could also use a meal planning app, or even just set up a calendar to keep track of meal ideas.

  • Make a grocery list: After you decide what meals you will make for the week, create a grocery list so that you don’t buy too much while at the store. When you have a grocery list, it also allows you to keep track of specials and sales.

  • Shop the sales: Check out circulars and flyers from your local stores and plan accordingly. You may also want to shop more than one store in order to get the best prices on the items you need. If a store has a special on certain items, be sure to stock up so that you will have them for future meals.

  • Don’t forget about leftovers:​ Leftovers are a great way to save money and still enjoy delicious meals. If you have leftovers from a meal, find another recipe that uses those leftovers so that nothing goes to waste. This is also a great way to add new flavors to the same ingredients.

Benefits of Grocery Budgeting

  • You can track your spending:​ When you budget for groceries, you are setting yourself up to be aware of what you are spending. This helps you to stay within your budget and reach financial goals.

  • You can reduce food waste:​ By budgeting, you are essentially setting a limit on how much you can spend on food every month. This helps you be mindful of what food you are buying and will prevent you from buying too much and letting food spoil.

  • You can buy healthier food:​ When you know how much you can spend each week on groceries, it becomes easier to prioritize healthier food. For example, you may decide to spend most of your grocery budget on produce, because you know that it is healthier and lasts longer than processed food.

How to Get Started With Grocery Budgeting

  • Set a budget: crunch the numbers to figure out how much money you can spend on groceries each month. Depending on your budget, this amount can be set at a fixed amount, or you could allot a certain percentage of your income for groceries.

  • Adjust the budget if needed: Once you have set your grocery budget, it may take a few months to figure out if it is realistic. If you go over-budget one month, you may need to adjust the budget and re-assess in order to ensure that your grocery budget is sustainable.

  • Track your spending:​ The best way to stick to your grocery budget is to track your spending. You can use a spreadsheet, a budgeting app, or even your checking account to monitor your spending. This helps you stay on track and adjust your spending if needed.


Meal planning and grocery budgeting are two excellent ways to save money on food and still enjoy nutritious meals. Though it is sometimes difficult to change our eating habits, with a bit of dedication, time, and planning, it is possible to make the most of your food budget. By meal planning and being mindful of your spending, you can enjoy delicious meals while still reaching your financial goals.


  1. https://www.eatwellguide.org/blog/2017/12/13/looking-for-ways-to-save-money-on-groceries-start-meal-planning
  2. https://www.healthyfood.com/healthy-recipes/8-ways-save-money-grocery-budget/
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/apr/16/how-to-cook-on-a-tight-budget
  4. https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/food-recipes/cooking/a46020/ways-to-save-food-money/