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The Connection Between Sleep and Weight Loss: How to Get Enough Zzzs to Slim Down


The Connection Between Sleep and Weight Loss: How to Get Enough Zzzs to Slim Down

Most of us are aware that there are connections between lack of sleep, weight gain, and unhealthy habits. We often push off prioritizing our sleep in favor of projects, tasks, or obligations. However, while skimping on sleep may give us more time during the day, it can have major downsides: research shows that lack of sleep is linked to weight gain and difficulty losing weight.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the science of how sleep can affect weight, health, and wellness, and offer tips for how to get enough quality sleep. Read on for more information about how to set yourself up for success with sleep and weight loss.

Connection between Sleep and Weight

Weight loss and sleep are intertwined: a lack of quality shuteye can make dieting more difficult and can prevent individuals from achieving their desired health goals, from weight management to fitness.

Poor Sleep Can Lead to Weight Gain When we don’t get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep, it can have a direct impact on our weight. Poor sleep can lead to an increase in appetite, as well as cravings for unhealthy foods. It can also impair judgment and decision-making when it comes to eating, leading to more unhealthy snack and meal choices.

Additionally, when our bodies don’t get enough sleep, it can lower the amount of leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite, and raise ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Together, this decrease in leptin and increase in ghrelin levels can make us hungrier, leading to unhealthy snacking and calorie consumption.

Sleep and Weight Loss On the other hand, getting the right amount of quality sleep on a regular basis helps the body to release ghrelin, the hormone linked to hunger, which helps to control appetite and cravings. It also helps to boost the release of leptin, which helps to regulate our metabolism, keeping it functioning properly and at the right level.

As such, while good sleep isn’t a miracle pill for weight loss, it can certainly contribute to the process. When your body is properly rested and your hormones are at the zeroed-in levels, you’ll be in an excellent spot to take on tackling any diet- or exercise-related goals.

Tips for Getting Quality Sleep and Achieving Weight Loss Goals

To enjoy the benefits that come from good sleep, try making a few adjustments to your sleep habits. Here are a few tips for what you can do to ensure you’re getting quality shut-eye:

  • Set a Schedule: This can help reset your circadian rhythm and remind your body when it’s time for bed. Pick a bedtime and a wake-time that works best for you, and stick to it, even on weekends and days off.

  • Wind Down an Hour Before Bed: The hour before your bedtime is important as it helps you to relax and wind down. Try to avoid screens during this time and focus on calming activities, such as reading a book, listening to soothing music, or taking a warm bath.

  • Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Setting the right atmosphere is crucial for sound sleep. Make sure the temperature in your bedroom is comfortable, the darkness is complete, and that your bed is comfortable.

  • Avoid Stimulants: It’s important to limit your caffeine intake and avoid beverages that contain alcohol or nicotine several hours before bed.

  • Avoid Long Naps: Naps can be helpful, but if you find yourself regularly having long naps during the day, it could interfere with your ability to sleep at night. Try to keep your naps short in duration, ideally no more than 20 minutes.


It’s important to prioritize good, quality sleep in order to see maximum returns on health and wellness goals, especially with weight loss. When we get enough quality, restorative sleep, it helps our hunger hormones to stay balanced and at proper levels, reducing cravings and helping us to make healthier food choices.

By following a few adjustments to your bedtime schedule, reducing stimulants, and setting a sleep-friendly environment, you can get the rest you need to reach your goals. We hope that the tips above have been helpful and you’re on your way to better sleep and better health.