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"The Key to Cooking Perfect Rice Every Time"



Cooking perfect rice is a skill that will serve you well your entire life. When cooked correctly, rice is light and fluffy, has a nutty flavor, and adds awesome texture to both savoury and sweet dishes. On the other hand, when cooked incorrectly, rice can end up overly-starchy, mushy, and stuck together in a tasteless mess. Knowing how to cook rice is essential and it’s not a difficult skill to master.

But before we get into the details of cooking perfect rice every time, let’s briefly talk about why it’s so important.

Why Perfect Rice is Essential

Rice is a culinary staple around the world. The majority of people consume rice at least several times a week in some form or another. Rice is filling, affordable, and incredibly versatile. It is eaten plain, as a side to curries and other dishes, made into foods like sushi, and cooked into many desserts. Rice is also incredibly good for you - it’s grain is packed full of essential minerals and vitamins.

But without a few basic tips, recipes, and guidance, the texture of the rice and its intended flavor can't be achieved.

Techniques for Perfect Rice

There are several techniques for cooking perfect rice. But, fortunately, it’s simple to remember the key steps - just follow the 1-2-3 ratio.

  1. Soak the Rice. This is the first step to perfect rice. By soaking, the grains will take up water at an even rate, yielding tender, separate grains. Also, soaking for 15 to 20 minutes shortens the overall cooking time.

  2. Bring the Water to a Boil. The amount of water to add to the rice is noted in the instructions below. Bring the water to a boil, uncovering the pot. This process forces the water into the grains for an even cook.

  3. Cover and Cook for 20 Minutes. Once your rice is boiling, reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and set your timer for 20 minutes. During the next 20 minutes, do not uncover the pot, stir the rice or peek at the rice. This is key to perfect rice. Once the timer goes off, it’s time to fluff and enjoy.

These techniques combined with the ratios and instructions below can help you master perfect rice quickly and easily.

The Perfect Ratio for Cooking Rice

The ratio of rice to water is key for perfect cooking. Generally, for long-grain white rice you want a 1-2 ratio, which means one cup of rice with two cups of water.

Here is an easy breakdown for all types of rice:

  • Long-grain white rice: 1 cup of rice with 2 cups of water
  • Long-grain brown rice: 1 cup of rice with 2.5 cups of water
  • Short-grain white of brown rice: 1 cup of rice with 1.5 cups of water

You can adjust the amount of rice or water depending on the size of your pot. You just want to make sure to follow the 1-2-3 ratio for perfect rice.

Adding Flavor to Your Rice

Rice is incredibly versatile and you can easily add flavor to it while cooking. Flavoring your rice adds extra depth to the overall dish.

There are several ways to add flavor to your rice when cooking:

  • Adding a splash of liquid such as stock, broth, or coconut milk during the boiling process
  • Adding herbs and spices to the boiling water
  • Mixing in diced vegetables to the rice just before serving
  • Adding diced raw garlic, lemon, and herbs to the finished product

If you want to add some liquid such as stock, broth, or coconut milk, use the same amount as you would with water and follow the 1:2 ratio.

Storing, Reheating & Freezing Rice

Cooked rice can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days with minimal flavor and texture loss. Make sure to cool the rice quickly to prevent bacteria from forming and store your cooked rice in the lower shelves of the fridge.

To reheat cooled—but not cold—rice you can cook it in a preheated pan with a splash of oil over medium heat for a few minutes until heated through.

Finally, cooked rice can be frozen for up to six months. To successfully freeze your rice, spread it out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and freeze for several hours. Once it’s hardened, store the frozen individual portions in airtight containers or resealable bags until needed.


Now you know everything there is to know about perfect rice. Follow the 1:2 ratio, add flavorings, and shop, reheat, and freeze your rice if you need to, and you’ll be a rice-cooking master in no time. Enjoy!