Though it should always be enjoyable, the act of eating connects us to something much more profound - our health. Healthy eating is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle and leading the best life possible. But, for too many of us, eating is dominated by guilt and obsession, rather than joy and satisfaction. Mindful eating is a way to rewire our relationship with food, to take back ownership of our bodies, and find true enjoyment in the experience of eating.
What is Mindful Eating?
Mindful eating is about being aware of your physical and psychological relationship to food. It involves the daily practice of listening to your body’s internal cues, expressing gratitude for food and the care you put into making or finding it, and taking full pleasure in eating while nourishing your body at the same time. While it is not a new concept, it has recently become popularized in modern culture as a way to move away from diets and practices that focus solely on restricting food or gaining control over it.
Mindful eating is a practice that involves learning to connect with food and your body in a new way. It involves thinking about food and eating in a different way than we’re used to, and developing a practice that encourages paying attention to our feelings and sensations when it comes to food.
Benefits of Mindful Eating
Practicing mindful eating can have a myriad of benefits, and can help us to create a healthier relationship with food and our bodies. Here are just a few of those benefits:
Breaking unhealthy eating habits: Mindful eating allows us to identify and reflect on patterns of unhealthy eating, giving us the strength to make positive and sustainable changes.
Increased satisfaction: By savouring each bite, mindful eating helps us to truly feel satisfaction and joy in eating, so that we don’t feel unsatisfied or restricted afterwards.
Healthier eating habits: By paying closer attention to what your body needs, mindful eating can often lead to us naturally making more nutritious choices.
Improving digestion: Eating with controlled speed and consciousness helps us to properly digest food, and get the most benefit from it.
Eating in sync with your body's needs: Mindful eating encourages you to listen to what your body is telling you it needs, instead of eating according to a restricted diet.
Reducing food cravings: You begin to recognize what your body needs and why it needs it, which can help reduce cravings and nourish your body in the long-term.
How to Practice Mindful Eating
Though it may seem daunting, mindful eating doesn’t have to be difficult. With practice, anyone can become a mindful eater. Here are a few tips on how to start practicing:
Eat slowly and with intention: This means taking the time to savor each bite, and enjoy the experience of eating. It’s also helpful to deliberately think about how the food you’re eating nourishes your body, and what it’s providing you with.
Remove distractions: Eating should be a mindful, meaningful experience; not just something you do quickly between tasks. Make sure to turn off your phone, put away your laptop, and turn off the TV.
Use your senses: Pay attention to the flavors, textures, smells, and even the sight of your food. This helps to cultivate appreciation for food and enjoyment of your meals.
Check-in with yourself: Before, during, and after you eat, take a moment to be aware of how you’re feeling. How is your hunger level? Are you enjoying the food? What is the feeling of fullness?
Don’t judge: Finally, be compassionate and non-judgmental with yourself. Don't label foods or food choices as
, and don't punish yourself if you don't stick to a plan or diet.
Overcoming Obstacles and Sticking with It
Mindful eating is a practice that takes dedication and consistency to get right. Even so, it can be difficult to stick with it, especially if we face obstacles that seem insurmountable.
If you find yourself struggling with sticking with mindful eating, here are some tips on overcoming common obstacles:
Time: Time is often a big factor in our ability to practice mindful eating. Create a schedule of time-based reminders that prioritize mindful eating, and add extra time to cook healthy, nourishing meals.
Stress and emotional eating: A lot of us turn to unhealthy food when we’re feeling stressed or emotional, but mindful eating can help us deal with these feelings in a healthier way. Take a few moments to check in with yourself and identify the emotion you’re feeling – rather than reaching for a snack as a distraction.
Monotony: Eating the same meals over and over can be exhausting. Get creative with your meals and involve your friends and family in the process. This can often make our meals more enjoyable, and give us something to look forward to.
Bad habits: Unhealthy eating habits often come with guilt and shame, and it can be difficult to break them. Start by identifying one habit that you’d like to change; then take small steps towards making the change, and be compassionate and patient with yourself in the process.
Mindful eating is an important practice that can help us to create a healthier relationship with food and our bodies. As with any practice, it takes dedication and effort to do it successfully – but using the tips above, you can begin to create healthier eating habits and find true joy in nourishing your body. Try it out – you just might be surprised.